An AI Story – To Be Or Not to Be

  • 1 month ago

An AI Story – To Be or Not to Be is now available for public viewing! The film has concluded a successful festival run and it received a number of nominations and awards. And now that the festival run is complete, we now want to make the film available to all! We believe it has an important story to tell!

The history of this film started during a simple reading of a short play. Steve Halpern and Fred Kempner are members of Working Title Playwrights (, a local group in Atlanta for actors and writers. After a reading of Fred’s short play, Steve realized how this play could make for an excellent short film. Steve approached the actor Jeff Hathcoat (also a WTP member) and asked if he thought he could play a robot (he obviously could 😊). Fred was all for it, and thus the film was born.

With all the concerns over the advancement of AI technology and its effect on humanity, this film conveys a story that we felt was quite appropriate. The simple tag line, or question, “AI with a conscience?” seems to fit well. Give it a watch and find out why!

You can watch the movie via YouTube. We would love your comments. Please post them over at the main YouTube video page at Or simply watch the film below.

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