“Where Writers and Crew Together Make Movies”

The above quote tells a simple story… that a team covering a wide array of talents works together to create something special, something that may reach an audience in a meaningful way. Yet even this idea is evolving… think of Indie.Film as somewhat fluid.

The goal of Indie.Film is not complex. What started as some great screenplays evolved into the question of how to make these stories happen. We thought that it would be great to have a large studio knock on our door saying “we heard a rumor that the best untold story is behind thisĀ  very door!”, yet that is likely not very realistic. With Atlanta having a very large contingent of film-making “players” we thought that this region would be a great place to start. You actually could say the entire world is!

Avenues for film creation has never been as accessible as it is now. Between affordable equipment, editing tools such as Davinci Resolve or Adobe Premiere, DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations such as Cubase), stories can make it to film much easier compared to the celluloid era. It is still not easy, yet content creation can begin at the micro level, and still tell a great story.

As writers met writers here in Atlanta, ideas came together which allowed us to create our first production. It was a great process, working from the story outward! Or goal is to be able to create fun and thought-provoking films, and to involve more people into this process on future projects, and to also have the process itself be fun and thought provoking.

If you have any questions, thoughts, or ideas, please feel free to reach out to us.

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